Friday, September 20, 2013

Products - Cb - The SGR Program - The Science of Getting Rich - Learn the Law of Attraction from the Teachers Featured in The Secret -

This is a true story of a remarkable man who started off in a position that, most probably, was worse off than where you are right now. But by just doing certain things in a certain way, riches came to him in abundance.

You may be the poorest person on the continent and be deeply in debt, but I assure you that if you do certain things in the exact certain way this man has done, you too can achieve great financial success.

Not because of a miracle in the economy… not because you’ve laboriously poured in hours of extra hard work… and certainly not because you’re living on a shoestring to build a future savings nest.

You will prosper because you will have the formula to do things which others fail to do. All of the money that you want can be yours.

But, before I share with you this amazing story of the man who discovered a unique and precise way to riches and abundance, a word of introduction.

My name is Bob Proctor. Most of you will recognize me as the guru from The Secret. As you know, The Secret is a phenomena that took the world by storm. The Secret however, is only the tip of the iceberg of my experience.

I have actually been studying this field of knowledge since October 1961. And I have been teaching this for nearly 4 decades. I have watched things change in the world.

I have watched things change in the attitude of people. My experience in this field is not just theoretical. I also have in-depth understanding of people and how to communicate to them to best apply this knowledge into a system of life.

Perhaps a quote from Doug Wead, former special assistant to...

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