Sunday, September 22, 2013

Welcome To!

Some guys who have a long history of different relationships have it the hardest because theyre often labelled as a player. What makes it difficult for them is that theyre often pigeonholed into the stereotypical guy-who-cant-commit category which negatively affects how women see them not to mention how these men perceive themselves.

Worse, being through nasty breakups and unpleasant experiences in general can make just about any guy jaded about relationships as a whole. With all of these factors to deal with, how can the average man actively create success in dating and find the ideal relationship?

The one thing you need to realize about being successful with women is that it takes a genuine personality to win them over.

Its not about putting on a persona thats different from your true self just to get women to like you.

To a lot of men, they think that being the guy who gets a ton of dates is a great big mystery they cant hope to crack.

Well, the truth is that theres nothing mysterious about getting women to like you. To reach the ideal state where being attractive is effortless, you need to put in amount of effort over a period of time.

One of the things that women have to contend with in dating is the risk of having a "great guy" DISAPPEAR from your life after going to bed with you. There's always the possibility of going out with someone who seems so awesome at the beginning, only to undergo a shocking character transformation later on.

And chances are, you've probably experienced this yourself. It wouldn't rare for most girls to be disappointed (or even appalled) when their guy doesn't live up to the hype.

Hands up if you've ever gotten mad at your...

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